-- title: asteroids -- author: Bob Grant -- desc: -- script: lua -- game state control STATE_INIT = 5 STATE_START = 8 STATE_PLAY = 10 STATE_SHIP_KILLED = 12 STATE_SHIP_KILL_DELAY = 14 STATE_WAIT_RESPAWN = 16 STATE_END = 20 gameState = STATE_INIT SCREEN_MAX_X = 240 SCREEN_MAX_Y = 136 playerShip = { position = { x = 100, y = 60 }, velocity = { speed = 0, direction = 0 }, acceleration = 0.05, deceleration = 0.01, rotation = 0, rotationSpeed = 0.07, radius = 10, points = { {x=8,y=0, colour = 6}, {x=-8,y=6, colour = 6}, {x=-4,y=0, colour = 6}, {x=-8,y=-6, colour = 6}, {x=8,y=0, colour = 6} } } playerScore = 0 playerLives = 3 playerBullets = {} MAX_PLAYER_BULLETS = 4 PLAYER_BULLET_SPEED = 2 PLAYER_BULLET_TIME = 60 playerBulletOffset = { x=8, y=0 } MIN_RESPAWN_DIST = 30 asteroids = {} NUM_ASTEROIDS = 10 ASTEROID_NUM_POINTS = 10 ASTEROID_RAD = 15 ASTEROID_RAD_PLUS = 4 ASTEROID_RAD_MINUS = 6 ASTEROID_MAX_VEL = 0.5 ASTEROID_MIN_VEL = 0.1 ASTEROID_MAX_ROT = 0.03 delayTimer = 0 function TIC() if gameState == STATE_INIT then initGame() gameState = STATE_START elseif gameState == STATE_START then doStartScreen() elseif gameState == STATE_PLAY then doPlayGame() elseif gameState == STATE_SHIP_KILLED then doShipKilled() elseif gameState == STATE_SHIP_KILL_DELAY then doShipKillDelay() elseif gameState == STATE_WAIT_RESPAWN then doShipRespawn() elseif gameState == STATE_END then doEndScreen() end end function doStartScreen() doNoShipDisplay() print ("ASTEROIDS", 80,40) print ("press Z to start", 60,60) if btnp(4) then initGame() gameState = STATE_PLAY end end -- doStartScreen() function doEndScreen() doNoShipDisplay() print ("GAME OVER", 80,40) print ("press Z to start", 60,60) if btnp(4) then initGame() gameState = STATE_PLAY end end -- doEndScreen() function doPlayGame() cls() -- update checkPlayerButtons() movePlayerShip() moveAsteroids() if checkShipCrash() then gameState = STATE_SHIP_KILLED end -- if movePlayerBullets() checkBulletHits() -- draw drawVectorShape(playerShip) drawAsteroids() drawPlayerBullets() drawGameInfo() end -- doPlayGame() function doShipKilled() -- do explosion sfx(2,10,30,3,15) playerLives = playerLives -1 delayTimer = 60 gameState = STATE_SHIP_KILL_DELAY end -- doShipKilled function doShipKillDelay() doNoShipDisplay() -- wait for explosion to finish delayTimer = delayTimer - 1 if delayTimer == 0 then -- delay finished if playerLives == 0 then -- game over gameState = STATE_END else -- respawn playerShip resetPlayerShip() gameState = STATE_WAIT_RESPAWN end -- if end -- if end -- doShipKillDelay function doShipRespawn() doNoShipDisplay() local asteroidTooClose = false index = 1 while(index <= #asteroids) and (not asteroidTooClose) do if checkSeparation(playerShip.position, asteroids[index].position, MIN_RESPAWN_DIST) then asteroidTooClose = true end --if index = index + 1 end -- while if not asteroidTooClose then gameState = STATE_PLAY end -- if end -- doShipRespawn function doNoShipDisplay() cls() -- update moveAsteroids() movePlayerBullets() checkBulletHits() -- draw drawAsteroids() drawPlayerBullets() drawGameInfo() end -- do NoShipDisplay function initGame() playerScore = 0 playerLives = 3 resetPlayerShip() generateAsteroids() end -- initGame function resetPlayerShip() playerShip.position = { x = 100, y = 60 } playerShip.velocity = { speed = 0, direction = 0 } playerShip.rotation = 0 end -- resetPlayerShip() function drawGameInfo() local width = 0 width = print("Score : ",0,0,14) print(playerScore, width,0,11) for count = 0,playerLives-2 do spr(1,230-(count * 6),0,0) end end -- drawGameInfo function drawVectorShape(shape) local firstPoint = true local lastPoint = 0 local rotatedPoint = 0 for index, point in ipairs(shape.points) do rotatedPoint = rotatePoint(point,shape.rotation) if firstPoint then lastPoint = rotatedPoint firstPoint = false else line(lastPoint.x + shape.position.x, lastPoint.y + shape.position.y, rotatedPoint.x + shape.position.x, rotatedPoint.y + shape.position.y, point.colour) lastPoint = rotatedPoint end end -- for end -- drawVectorShape function rotatePoint(point, rotation) local rotatedX = (point.x * math.cos(rotation)) - (point.y * math.sin(rotation)) local rotatedY = (point.y * math.cos(rotation)) + (point.x * math.sin(rotation)) return {x=rotatedX, y=rotatedY} end -- rotatePoint function checkPlayerButtons() -- thrust if btn(0) then -- up key playerShipThrust() end -- if if btn(2) then -- left playerShip.rotation = playerShip.rotation - playerShip.rotationSpeed end if btn(3) then -- right playerShip.rotation = playerShip.rotation + playerShip.rotationSpeed end playerShip.rotation = keepAngleInRange(playerShip.rotation) if btnp(4) then -- fire Z firePlayerBullet() end end -- checkPlayerButtons function keepAngleInRange(angle) if angle < 0 then while angle < 0 do angle = angle + (2 * math.pi) end end if angle > (2 * math.pi) then while angle > (2 * math.pi) do angle = angle - (2 * math.pi) end end return angle end -- keepAngleInRange function movePointByVelocity(object) components = getVectorComponents(object.velocity) local newPosition = { x = object.position.x + components.xComp, y = object.position.y + components.yComp } return newPosition end -- movePointByVelocity function movePlayerShip() playerShip.velocity.speed = playerShip.velocity.speed - playerShip.deceleration if playerShip.velocity.speed < 0 then playerShip.velocity.speed = 0 end playerShip.position = movePointByVelocity(playerShip) playerShip.position = wrapPosition(playerShip.position) end -- movePlayerShip function playerShipThrust() local acceleration = { speed = playerShip.acceleration, direction = playerShip.rotation } playerShip.velocity = addVectors(playerShip.velocity, acceleration) end -- playerShipThrust function firePlayerBullet() local bullet = {} if #playerBullets <= MAX_PLAYER_BULLETS then -- ok to fire local relSpawnPosition = rotatePoint(playerBulletOffset, playerShip.rotation) bullet = { position = { x = relSpawnPosition.x + playerShip.position.x, y = relSpawnPosition.y + playerShip.position.y }, velocity = { speed = PLAYER_BULLET_SPEED, direction = playerShip.rotation }, timer = PLAYER_BULLET_TIME } table.insert(playerBullets, bullet) sfx(0,40,20,0,15,1) end end -- firePlayerBullet function movePlayerBullets() for index, bullet in ipairs(playerBullets) do bullet.timer = bullet.timer - 1 if bullet.timer < 0 then -- kill bullet table.remove(playerBullets, index) else -- move bullet bullet.position = movePointByVelocity(bullet) bullet.position = wrapPosition(bullet.position) end -- if end -- for end function drawPlayerBullets() for index, bullet in ipairs(playerBullets) do spr(0, bullet.position.x, bullet.position.y, 0) end -- for end -- drawPlayerBullets function checkBulletHits() local bulletHasHit = false for bIndex, bullet in ipairs(playerBullets) do for aIndex, asteroid in ipairs(asteroids) do -- course check if(checkSeparation(bullet.position, asteroid.position, ASTEROID_RAD + ASTEROID_RAD_PLUS)) then if pointInPolygon(bullet.position, asteroid) then -- kill this bullet table.remove(playerBullets, bIndex) explodeAsteroid(aIndex, asteroid) break end -- if pointInPolygon end -- if checkSeparation end -- for asteroid end -- for bullet end -- checkBulletHits() function checkShipCrash() local index = 1 -- set to first asteroid local shipCrashed = false while (index <= #asteroids) and (not shipCrashed) do shipCrashed = polygonInPolygon(playerShip, asteroids[index]) index = index + 1 end -- while return shipCrashed end -- checkShipCrash() function polygonInPolygon(shape1, shape2) local testPoint = {} local rotatedPoint = {} -- first shape points in second shape? for index,point in ipairs(shape1.points) do rotatedPoint = rotatePoint(point,shape1.rotation) testPoint = { x = rotatedPoint.x + shape1.position.x, y = rotatedPoint.y + shape1.position.y } if pointInPolygon(testPoint, shape2) then return true end -- if end -- for -- second shape points in first shape? for index,point in ipairs(shape2.points) do rotatedPoint = rotatePoint(point,shape2.rotation) testPoint = { x = rotatedPoint.x + shape2.position.x, y = rotatedPoint.y + shape2.position.y } if pointInPolygon(point, shape1) then return true end -- if end -- for return false end -- polygonInPolygon function pointInPolygon(point, shape) local firstPoint = true local lastPoint = 0 local rotatedPoint = 0 local onRight = 0 local onLeft = 0 local xCrossing = 0 for index,shapePoint in ipairs(shape.points) do rotatedPoint = rotatePoint(shapePoint,shape.rotation) if firstPoint then lastPoint = rotatedPoint firstPoint = false else startPoint = { x = lastPoint.x + shape.position.x, y = lastPoint.y + shape.position.y } endPoint = { x = rotatedPoint.x + shape.position.x, y = rotatedPoint.y + shape.position.y } if ((startPoint.y >= point.y) and (endPoint.y < point.y)) or ((startPoint.y < point.y) and (endPoint.y >= point.y)) then -- line crosses ray if (startPoint.x <= point.x) and (endPoint.x <= point.x) then -- line is to left onLeft = onLeft + 1 elseif (startPoint.x >= point.x) and (endPoint.x >= point.x) then -- line is to right onRight = onRight + 1 else -- need to calculate crossing x coordinate if (startPoint.y ~= endPoint.y) then -- filter out horizontal line xCrossing = startPoint.x + ((point.y - startPoint.y) * (endPoint.x - startPoint.x) / (endPoint.y - startPoint.y)) if (xCrossing >= point.x) then onRight = onRight + 1 else onLeft = onLeft + 1 end -- if end -- if horizontal end -- if end -- if crosses ray lastPoint = rotatedPoint end end -- for -- only need to check on side if (onRight % 2) == 1 then -- odd = inside return true else return false end end -- pointInPolygon function checkSeparation(point1, point2, separation) -- leaving as squares removes need -- to do a sqrt local separationSq = separation * separation local distanceSq = ((point1.x - point2.x) * (point1.x - point2.x)) + ((point1.y - point2.y) * (point1.y - point2.y)) return (distanceSq <= separationSq) end -- getDistance function explodeAsteroid(index, asteroid) -- get position of exploded asteroid local position = asteroid.position local orgScale = asteroid.scale playerScore = playerScore + (50 * orgScale) sfx(1, 1, 50, 1, 15) -- delete exploded asteroid table.remove(asteroids, index) if orgScale < 4 then local newScale = orgScale * 2 -- generate 2 new asteroids local asteroid for count = 1,2 do asteroid = spawnAsteroid(newScale) asteroid.velocity = { speed = (math.random() * (ASTEROID_MAX_VEL - ASTEROID_MIN_VEL)) + ASTEROID_MIN_VEL, direction = math.random() * math.pi * 2 } asteroid.rotationSpeed = (math.random() * (2 * ASTEROID_MAX_ROT)) - ASTEROID_MAX_ROT asteroid.position = position table.insert(asteroids, asteroid) end -- for end -- if end -- explodeAsteroid function addVectors(vector1, vector2) v1Comp = getVectorComponents(vector1) v2Comp = getVectorComponents(vector2) resultantX = v1Comp.xComp + v2Comp.xComp resultantY = v1Comp.yComp + v2Comp.yComp local resVector = compToVector(resultantX, resultantY) return resVector end -- addVectors function getVectorComponents(vector) local xComp = vector.speed * math.cos(vector.direction) local yComp = vector.speed * math.sin(vector.direction) local components = { xComp = xComp, yComp = yComp } return components end -- getVectorComponents function compToVector(x, y) local magnitude = math.sqrt( (x * x) + (y * y)) local direction = math.atan2(y, x) direction = keepAngleInRange(direction) local vector = { speed = magnitude, direction = direction } return vector end -- compToVector function wrapPosition(position) if (position.x >= SCREEN_MAX_X) then position.x = 0 elseif (position.x < 0) then position.x = SCREEN_MAX_X - 1 end if (position.y >= SCREEN_MAX_Y) then position.y = 0 elseif (position.y < 0) then position.y = SCREEN_MAX_Y - 1 end return position end -- wrapPosition function spawnAsteroid(scale) local asteroid = { position = { x = 0, y = 0 }, velocity = { speed = 0, direction = 0 }, acceleration = 0.05, deceleration = 0.01, rotation = 0, rotationSpeed = 0.07, scale = scale, radius = (ASTEROID_RAD + ASTEROID_RAD_PLUS) / scale, points = {} } -- generate points -- first point at default radius table.insert(asteroid.points, { x = ASTEROID_RAD/scale, y = 0, colour = 15 } ) local angle = 0 local radius = 0 local vector = {} for point=1, (ASTEROID_NUM_POINTS - 1) do -- create a random radius radius = math.random( ASTEROID_RAD - ASTEROID_RAD_MINUS, ASTEROID_RAD + ASTEROID_RAD_PLUS ) / scale -- angles are evenly spaced angle = ((math.pi * 2) / ASTEROID_NUM_POINTS) * point vector = { speed = radius, direction = angle } components = getVectorComponents(vector) table.insert(asteroid.points, { x = components.xComp, y = components.yComp, colour = 15 } ) end -- for -- last point same as first table.insert(asteroid.points, { x = ASTEROID_RAD/scale, y = 0, colour = 15 } ) return asteroid end -- spawnAsteroid function generateAsteroids() asteroids = {} local asteroid for count = 1,NUM_ASTEROIDS do asteroid = spawnAsteroid(1) asteroid.velocity = { speed = (math.random() * (ASTEROID_MAX_VEL - ASTEROID_MIN_VEL)) + ASTEROID_MIN_VEL, direction = math.random() * math.pi * 2 } asteroid.rotationSpeed = (math.random() * (2 * ASTEROID_MAX_ROT)) - ASTEROID_MAX_ROT if math.random(1,2) == 1 then -- start at top of screen asteroid.position = { x = math.random(0,(SCREEN_MAX_X - 1)), y = 0 } else -- start at left of screen asteroid.position = { x = 0, y = math.random(0,(SCREEN_MAX_Y - 1)) } end -- if table.insert(asteroids, asteroid) end -- for end -- generateAsteroids function drawAsteroids() for index, asteroid in ipairs(asteroids) do drawVectorShape(asteroid) end -- for end -- drawAsteroids function moveAsteroids() for index, asteroid in ipairs(asteroids) do asteroid.rotation = asteroid.rotation + asteroid.rotationSpeed asteroid.position = movePointByVelocity(asteroid) asteroid.position = wrapPosition(asteroid.position) end -- for end -- moveAsteroids