Add an SD Card To Your Arduino – Setup and basic file operations
28th March 2021
How To Load Images Onto Your Arduino LCD Screen From an SD Card
9th April 2021Download Every Game For Your Retro System In One Go
One of the best features of retro gaming is that there are literally thousands for games to choose from for each system. Having all the games available lets you browse and play to your heart’s content, trying all the games that never get a mention to find those hidden gems.
But downloading hundreds of games for a single system, one by one, takes forever, so you end up only downloading the ones everyone else plays.
But there is an easier way!
Finding full ROM set downloads lets you get hold of all the games for a retro computer or console in one go.
In the video above I’ll show you where to get the full ROM sets and how to extract them easily so you can be ready and playing within a few minutes. I’ll also show you how to get hold of hidden downloads if a site doesn’t list them on their normal pages.