Learn to Code Space Invaders – Lesson 14 – The Aliens Are Here!
9th August 2019
Learn to Code Space Invaders – Lesson 15 – Aliens on the Move
28th August 2019Write Your First Computer Game in Only 25 Minutes!
Starting with just a standard computer we’ll install our games development system and write a computer game from scratch in just 25 minutes!
Follow me as I build the game live on screen so you can see just how easy it is to get set up and coding with my ‘Learn To Code’ courses.
Make learning to code fun by building your own games!
Anyone can learn to code so click play below to get started right now!
Code Listing
-- title: Pong -- author: Bob Grant -- desc: Pong Game -- script: lua screenMaxX = 232 screenMaxY = 120 ball = { x = 120, y = 0, xSpeed = 2, ySpeed = 1 } bat = { x = 114, y = 120, speed = 4 } score = 0 function TIC() moveBat() moveBall() checkHit() cls() print("score = "..score,3,3) drawWalls() drawBat() drawBall() end function moveBat() if (btn(2)) then bat.x = bat.x - bat.speed end if (btn(3)) then bat.x = bat.x + bat.speed end if (bat.x > (screenMaxX - 8)) then bat.x = screenMaxX - 8 elseif (bat.x < 0) then bat.x = 0 end end function drawBat() spr(0, bat.x, bat.y, 0,1,0,0,2,1) end function drawWalls() line(0,127,0,0,15) line(0,0,239,0,15) line(239,0,239,127,15) end function moveBall() ball.x = ball.x + ball.xSpeed ball.y = ball.y + ball.ySpeed if (ball.x > screenMaxX) then ball.x = screenMaxX ball.xSpeed = -ball.xSpeed sfx(0,40,5) elseif (ball.x < 0) then ball.x = 0 ball.xSpeed = -ball.xSpeed sfx(0,40,5) end if (ball.y < 0) then ball.y = 0 ball.ySpeed = -ball.ySpeed sfx(0,50,5) end end function drawBall() spr(16, ball.x, ball.y) end function checkHit() if (ball.ySpeed > 0) then if (ball.y > (bat.y - 8)) and (ball.y < (bat.y)) then if (ball.x > (bat.x - 6)) and (ball.x < (bat.x + 22)) then ball.ySpeed = -ball.ySpeed ball.xSpeed = ball.xSpeed + math.random(-1,1) score = score + 1 sfx(0,20,5) end end end end